
The Lands of Verdi

The Lands of Verdi Union of Parma Province is a supra-municipal local authority. It brings together two local administrations (municipalities) that share the same administrative, social, cultural and economic project for the development and management of the region.

The Lands of Verdi Union includes the municipalities of Fidenza and Salsomaggiore Terme.

Source: Unione Terre Verdiane

The Royal Palace of Colorno

On the site of the palace, around the middle of the 14th century, there used to be a military structure to defend the possessions of Azzo, the Lord of Correggio.

However, two centuries later, the Rocca had been transformed into a noble residence by Countess Barbara di Sanverino and housed a cultured and elegant Renaissance court.

Source: La Reggia di Colorno

The Little World

The authors’ landscape: Fontanelle, Guareschi and Faraboli

“This is the LittleWorld: long, straight streets, small houses painted in red, yellow and ultramarine blue, all lost among the rows of vines.”Using the biographies of two exceptional figures, namely Gióvannino Guareschi and Giovanni Faraboli (founder of the reformist cooperative movement) both strongly linked to Fontanelle, the Museum recounts the historical and social events of the Parma plain from the end of the 19th century to the 1960s.

Source: Museo “IL MONDO PICCOLO”

Fidenza Village

Your perfect day out is closer than you think.

Experience shopping in the open air: the best brands amidst exclusive services and great food. All under the blue summer sky.

Source: Fidenza Village

Rocca Meli Lupi di Soragna

Rocca di Soragna Dimora Meli Lupi – A Unique Place. The Rocca di Soragna castle is a medieval manor house rebuilt by Bonifacio and Antonio Lupi in 1385.

The Rocca is a historic residence, enhanced over time with countless works of art and priceless reminders of the past, and has always remained the property of the Meli Lupi Princes who still live there today.

The castle is easily accessible from the motorway, located in the heart of Emilia – a land of gastronomic excellence and ancient traditions.

Source: Rocca Meli Lupi di Soragna

The Ducal Castles

Discover the countryside around Parma, the heart of the Food Valley, an area of typical products such as Parmigiano Reggiano, Culatello di Zibello and Culaccia di Fontanellato.

The itinerary takes you to “Casa Verdi” where the most famous Italian composer in the world was born and lived: Roncole Verdi and Busseto. Verdi’s estates stretch out into the realm of river cuisine of chef Massimo Spigaroli at the Antica Corte Pallavicina just a few metres from the great Po River.

Continuing along the Strada del Culatello, you can find the Castle of Roccabianca with its Distillery Museum and the Rocca Meli Lupi di Soragna.

Source: Castelli del Ducato

The Masone Labyrinth

The Masone Labyrinth is a cultural park built near Fontanellato, in the province of Parma.

It covers seven hectares and includes a labyrinth made up of different species of bamboo (the largest of its kind in the world) and spaces that house Franco Maria Ricci’s art collection and his publishing house, temporary exhibitions, conferences and presentations, concerts, a restaurant, a cafeteria and a deli.

Source: The Masone Labyrinth

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